Management Advisory and Training Consultant Services powered by ACPG Management Sdn Bhd

Management Advisory and Training Consultant Services powered by ACPG Management Sdn Bhd

ACPG - SPOT Training & Consultant Services

Corporate Training Advisory & Consultancy

Established in 1998, ACPG Management & Training Consultancy is a training and a management consulting firm specializing in Medical Insurance, Medical Insurance Claims Handling, Risk Management and Human Resource Development.

Helming the organization is Mr Anthony Chin who has over 23 years of marketing and lecturing experience in the life and general insurance industry.

With the ever changing landscape taking place in the insurance industry, we have from time to time developed new and practical training programs encompassing both technical and soft skills to meet the organizational strategic and staff/agency training needs.

We are confident that we can continue to grow, expand and achieve our goals and objectives in line with our Vision to be a truly Professional Organization renowned for our Innovations and Training Excellence

Our Training Programs

(Course Outlines to be provided upon request only)

Insurance / Technical

  • Introduction to Risk & Insurance (Basic)

  • Insurance Familiarization Programs for New Recruits (Basic)

  • Medical and Accident Insurance (Basic)

  • Medical Insurance & Claims Handling (Basic / Intermediate)

  • Personal Lines Insurance & Cross Marketing (Basic)

  • The 3Ps of Insurance (Intermediate)

  • General Insurance Claims Handling

Non Technical

  • Goal Setting & Action Plan for Insurance Marketers

  • Performance Appraisal for Insurance Managers

  • Insurance Presentation Skills

Classroom Sessions

Our classroom sessions focus on providing you a theoretical orientation on the core concepts. As we improve your knowledge of the concepts, we also demonstrate how these concepts are applied in practice.

Tool Room

In the tool room, we focus on improving your knowledge of the tools used in the trade. Each of our Skills Development Centres is equipped with the latest tools and technologies, as applicable for different vocational training courses.

Practical Training

SPOT’s skills development centres are equipped with practical labs where students are encouraged to apply the theoretical concepts. Quite often, we supplement our training sessions with industrial tours or sessions by visiting faculty members. During these sessions, our students get to clear their doubts and obtain practical tips from the experts.

Computer Based Tutorials

SPOT has invested in developing industry’s best courseware. Technology is a key feature of our courses and audio-visual aids are used extensively for effective training.


Examinations are conducted periodically to evaluate each participant. Rigorous training and periodic tests are part of preparation of SPOT’s training methodology.

Soft Skills Training

At SPOT, our mission is to make our student more employable and, therefore, we focus our efforts on improving your communication skills, educate you on manners, and make you aware of the behavioural aspects of your personality. Some of the soft skills you learn are communication skills (Both in English and in the vernacular language of your region), presentation skills, self management, resume preparation, interview facing techniques. These soft skills will help you achieve your potential as you get back into the industry.

ACPG 培训与顾问服务 - SPOT


Anthony Chin (AC) 老师, 国际资深成功学讲师


- SPOT 真理成功学创始者 (Power of Truth Success System).

- 工商管理硕士Master of Business Administration (MBA).

- 美国百万圆桌Million Dollar Round Table, USA (MDRT) 合格会员.

- 拥有23年或以上的保险及金融事业经验 (业务自1989年).

- 曾是著名国际保险公司最年轻的高级组织经理及荣获过百或以上领袖组织及个人销售荣誉奖项及曾多次荣获的国际保险公司的《最佳个人销售和组织销售》年度冠军荣誉奖.

- 拥有18年或以上保险及金融事业的组织管理包括培训,管理及顾问咨询服务.

- 拥有16年或以上运作管理及企业顾问公司的经验.

- 拥有12年或以上的金融市场组织管理及业务拓展经验.

- 优胜国际集团 ACP Group of Companies (ACPG) 创办人, 首席执行员兼首席顾问.

- 优胜国际培训公司ACPG Management & Training Consultancy创办人, 首席执行员兼首席顾问.

- 曾是医疗保健服务提供公司MCO Wellness Sdn Bhd创办人兼执行董事.

- 国际互联网及商场忠诚奖励优惠卡服务提供公司Walk In Online (M) Sdn Bhd 创办人兼首席执行员.

- 宏理国际AMG International Group食品与保健产品市场品牌国际集团首席执行员兼首席顾问.

- 马来西亚医疗保险机构 Malaysia Medical Insurance Organization (MMI) 创办人,总裁兼首席顾问.

- 马来西亚JMB保险机构Malaysia JMB Insurance Organization (JMBIM) 创办人, 总裁兼首席顾问.

- 曾荣获Malaysian Insurance Institute 马来西亚保险学院委任为保险销售拓展和组织领袖课程主持人及讲师.

- 曾荣获国际保险公司委任为保险产品销售, 销售拓展和组织领袖培训课程合约讲师.

- 曾荣获SABA协会委任为首席顾问.

- 荣获Majlis Pengurusan Kewangan Emas Malaysia (MEM) 马来西亚黄金业公会委任为首席行政执行顾问.

- 拥有超过20年的销售和管理亲身实战经验,曾经到遇超过20个国家,进行实地考察及市场拓展经验.

- 曾主讲超过千场大小型的销售,领袖以及成功学培训课程及讲座会.

- 精专于企业品牌定位,市场定位,管理系统定位,销售策略, 销售整合, 销售定位以及培训定位.

- 非常注重教育培训,并且亲身传授本身丰富的销售和管理实战经验,AC给于自己的使命就是去帮助无数的销售和管理人成功,过后亦让他们去帮助更多人成功,以便落实《真理价值转换站》理念。

- AC人生当中,最喜爱的座右铭就是 [ 真理就是力量Power of Truth, Truth is Power.]

ACPG Founder & CEO Profile

Mr Anthony Chin (AC)

Master of Business Administration (MBA).

* More than 23 years of experience in Financial Management and Business Development (Business since year 1989).

* 20 years of experience in Asset Management Development.

* 18 years of experience in Operations Management and Business Training Consultancy.

* Training & Consultancy in Financial and Asset Management Service.

* Appointed as Marketing and Corporate Training Consultant by a multitude of financial groups.

* Executive Chairman of ACP Group.

* More than 1000 experience-sharing talks attended by sell-out audience.

* Founder of "Power of Truth” Success Training Programme.

* Founder and Principal Consultant of Malaysia Medical Insurance Organization (MMI).

* Founder and Principal Consultant of Malaysia JMB Insurance Organization (JMBIM).

* Appointed as Chief Advisor by SABA Association.

SPOT "真理力量"能赢成功模式

企业哲学 :真理力量"知难行易”能赢哲学!

企业导向 :能赢导向, 策略导向,系统导向!

企业使命 :培育更多创业赢家; 共同创造更多全球商机!

企业宏愿 :营造能赢公司,创造能赢产品,协造能赢伙伴!

企业精神 :"我们还可以更好”的能赢精神!

企业信念 :相信公司,相信伙伴,相信制度,相信能赢系统,相信能赢优势!

ACPG Training & Consultant Services

SPOT Sales and Marketing Training Program

SPOT 真理力量成功学课程

01) SPOT 真理力量成功学的七堂课

02) SPOT K H 成功学(KNOW HOW)

03) SPOT 潜能成功学

04) SPOT 心态成功学

05) SPOT 习惯成功学

06) SPOT 行动成功学
07) SPOT 关系成功学
08) SPOT 领导 成功学

09) SPOT 推销成功学

10) SPOT 魅力成功学

11) SPOT 创业成功学

SPOT Power of Truth System 成功学

(Success Training Program)

能赢系统 (理念、原则、方法、技能)

•SPEED 速成训练课程 (STP)

•BREAK 基本管理训练课程 (BMTP)

•KNOW HOW 提升效率训练课程 (KNEP)

•FORMULA " WIN " 领袖能赢训练课程 (WLTP)


•POWER OF TRUTH 知难行易”能赢成功学 (SPOT)

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